Your Turn

Joe Schwartz: "Very Interesting Reading"
Clara Yee: "Detailed and informative"
Paul Wong: "I disagree with the reactionary western view on cellular phones"


January 18, 1999

"It is time to update the Hong Kong story and to get beyond the fear of 1997. I spent five weeks in H.K. in February, 1998 and was completely blown away by the revitalized spirit of reunification. It is time to appreciate H.K. for who it is now and in the future, not on what it was or could or should be. I suggest a view of H.K. from someone who is there because of reunification. There is so much going on aside from shopping. I am going back to spend another month in March, 1999.

"I disagree with the reactionary western view on cellular phones. The writer is out of touch and disdainful of an extraorinary piece of personal technology that is in fact 'liberating'. For many, especially in China, the cellular phone is not strictly for status or a luxury item, for most it is in fact their first phone line. Having a cell phone is cheaper, faster to install and more efficient than antiquated land lines. It is time that we stop thinking about the cell phone as being 'special'. It is an ordinary, everyday communications tool. I celebrate 10 years having cellular, being online, having answering devices and fax gives me more independence and time. People arguing, talking loudly, yelling in public, be it people face-to-face or over a phone line is rude and annoying no matter how it is done."




February 21, 1997

"The descriptions about Hong Kong were more detailed and informative than other web-pages that I've seen! I love your topic selections...not the usual statistical, general stuff."




January 9, 1996

"Interesting reading on Hong Kong."





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