Your Turn

Jim Litton: Offers something to the story


June 11, 2000

"Great write up. I knew the son and daughter of Tata Birco. The daughter was named Salvacion. I don't remember the son's name, but I do know that he was killed in Vietnam. His name is engraved in the Vietnam memorial in Washington, D.C. The town's name is DINALUPIHAN and not Denalupikan [this has since been corrected in the story-CBP]. My mother is from this town and it adjoins Olongapo. Did you know the late Santos Lemi? He was also a Phil Scout who was taken by the Japs and executed. His name is engraved in the wall of the missing at the U.S. military cemetery at Fort William McKinley, now Ft. Bonifacio. Do you know anything about the escape of three Americans held captive in McKinley in 1943? They were Colonel Mills, Captain Todd, and Sergeant Stanly Gourguet. They joined the guerilla group of Colonel Straughan, but were recaptured by the Japs and executed in February 11, 1944.

"Kindest regards--"





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